Thursday, May 13, 2010

seattle. mars hill. mark driscoll. so excited.

In 21 minutes Stacie and I will head to the airport with CE's 3 directors to catch a plane to

CE's board meetings are out there this weekend, and Ed graciously invited us along. So, while we do have some responsibilities with the board, we also have the opportunity to see some of Seattle (seriously one of my favorite cities), and visit Mars Hill this weekend!

We're also meeting with Dave Kraft, author of Leaders Who Last. I just read this book this month, and highly recommend it to anyone who leads. Seriously. If you lead a church, a small group, a youth group, a discussion group, a family, a worship team, a sports team, a ministry team ... this book is great. Kraft, at 70 years old, writes about what leaders need to do to sustain themselves for the long haul of leadership. I have so many questions for Kraft, and I beyond thrilled that I'll have the chance to ask some of them.

I'll give a more detailed review of the book (as well as let you know about our time with him!) in a few days.

Mm. Seattle. Here we come.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Last October I told you how burdened I was for one of our 2009 Barnabas alumni who was not doing well. This student got home and, because of a variety of reasons, chose not to walk with the Lord.

Last week I heard from this student -- let me just give you a quote:

I made a lot of mistakes but I have learned so much from it. God never let go of his grip on my life and I am slowly getting back to him now.

Every time I think about this, I can't stop smiling.
Seriously. God. Answers. Prayer. He answered here so clearly and so miraculously.

If you've been praying with me for this student,
thank you thank you thank you.
Spend some time thanking the Lord for what he's done!


Friday, May 7, 2010

haiti haiti haiti

I am helping to lead 3 one-week teams to Haiti this August.
July 30-Aug 5
Aug 6-12
Aug 13-19

Each team can hold 20 people, and the cost (based on 20 people) is $750+airfare

We want to change the lives of people in Haiti, and change the way that you love the overlooked. Join us. You won't regret it.

You can find the application here.
Contact me with any questions.

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