Friday, March 19, 2010


We've been in Ohio for 2 weeks. Leaving today to head back to Winona Lake (for CELS. You should come.) And personally I have been experiencing and learning something that, I think, connects to the idea of discipleship...

Some background for those of you who don't know me too well -- my mom is originally from Worthington, Ohio, so I grew up coming out here as a little girl. My grandma owns a home here that Stacie and I use as our 'home base' when we're in town. As I've gotten older, more and more of my college friends have settled in the Columbus area, and lots of Barnabas & Ambassador time in Columbus have allowed me to become very familiar with the area.

So this week I've been surrounded by friends. I've gotten to talk honestly about work, ministry, relationships, fears, excitement. I've laughed so much. I've had that safe, 'I belong here' feeling. I spent significant time with women, women close to my own age & women older than me, and I soaked that up. At one point I was standing with Kelly Coville and Tammy Nuzum, listening to them talk about speaking truth about relationships to high school students, and I honestly wished that conversation could go on forever--there is such wisdom and grace and experience in those women. I have so many questions I would love to ask them.

On top of that, there's a huge number of students here we know. Really well. Students we get to continue to invest in each time we're here.

I think Mark said it best. I have roots here. There are so many people I know and who know me. People who encourage and challenge and refresh me. It's community. It's what we're created for. And that's why it's so hard to leave. It''s hard to walk away from a place where I experience so the beauty of the body of Christ.

There are plenty of people who have the chance to be connected to community like this, and they choose not to. That kills me. Being here reminds me that discipleship and community aren't options--they are energizing, necessary, and life-breathing. Why would you want to pass something up that is so sweet?
(Don't believe me? Work a job where community is difficult because you're in a different place every 24 hours. Bet your tune will change.)

I'm hungry for these things. I'm thankful my job has taught me the necessity of these things. And I'm thankful that the Lord gave me one of the most refreshing weeks I've ever had. I'm asking him for more like this.

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