Friday, March 6, 2009

catch up!!

I was doing so well updating. Oh dear. It all fell apart.

This week we've been home in Indiana. It has been so. so. good. We have reconnected with the 'Winona family' -- our friends who we miss oh-so-much while we're traveling the country -- and with the CE staff -- which feels like a little reunion all of its own.

Tonight 31 OB alum are coming for a reunion that Grace College is hosting. Stacie and myself, along with Matt Wheeland and Tracy Yoder, get to hang out with these students all weekend and talk more about what God's doing in their lives. Man I love this stuff.

But what I've really wanted to share about is a book that I can't get out of my mind.

Ryan Rodeman passed this book onto Stacie and I. He said it was a must read for people involved in church leadership. So I promptly ... carried it around in my bag for about a month. A couple weeks ago I finished up 'The Gospel for Real Life' (by Jerry Bridges - buy this book now. I'll have to write about it later.), and finally picked up this 'must read' - and could not put it down!

The book is about Jesus' strategy while he was on earth. Like,

Have you ever wondered, since Jesus came to save the world, why did he spend so much (almost all!) of his time with only 12 guys?

I know that he did, and could probably have given an answer as to why, but Coleman articulates it so well, and draws out great implications. Basically, it's all about leadership development. What's the point of saving the world if there's no one to lead them into deeper relationship with their Savior?

These same principles are so important even now. Yet, by and large, churches, ministries, believers in general seem to miss it. We have not done a spectacular job of raising up leaders. And we need to. We need to. If we don't, our churches will continue to grow miles wide, and only an inch deep. Is this the way we want to steward the church the Lord has entrusted to us for this time?

Seriously. If you haven't, read it. It's only $6 on amazon. Do it.

Lastly, we saw Josiah and Erica get married last weekend (check out TK's blog for their love story :) It was a blast. 


At July 6, 2009 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

awe, thanks sarah and stacie! we loved having you there (thanks for being the guestbook ladies)!!!


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