Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Trip Begins In Waldorf, Md.

Last weekend the CE National Ambassadors were in Waldorf, Maryland, visiting Stacie’s home church, the Grace Brethren Church in Waldorf. Stacie and Sarah taught high school students about discipleship and shared in with the congregation about their passion for discipleship and the necessity of the CE Ambassador program.

The teaching on discipleship was well received by the students. Several Operation Barnabas alumni were present and contributed good insight to the lesson. The group was asked the question about the necessity of discipleship. Margaret Lucas, a 2008 alum, responded, “As believers we can only grow so much on our own. We all come to a point where we get comfortable and settled. We need someone in our lives who will push us to keep growing and stretching. That’s what discipleship does. Of course it’s necessary.”

Stacie and Sarah were both very encouraged by the excitement of the people at Waldorf about their mission. Following the service, many people asked good questions about discipleship, about the plan for the year, and about how they could pray. Already the people are looking forward to the Ambassadors’ return in February.

Sarah says, “I am so glad Waldorf was our ‘first official church’. They caught our vision and are so excited to see what God is going to do. We’re thankful for their support.”

Next week Sarah and Stacie will be at the Grace Brethren Church in York, Pennsylvania.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Who are Stacie and Sarah?

CE National is excited that Stacie Fay and Sarah Knepper are the new CE National Ambassadors.

Stacie and Sarah are taking their passion for discipleship on the road! They are visiting churches across the country, helping them develop and utilize students who have made decisions for Christ. They will provide ideas and teaching and also connection to CE National resources.

Stacie Fay

Stacie is originally from Waldorf, Maryland, and has completed her degree in Physical Education at Grace College. She has a passion for teenagers, and has taken opportunities to affect countless students’ lives: she has worked with the youth ministry programs in the Grace Brethren Church in Waldorf, Md., and Community Grace Brethren Church in Warsaw, Ind. Stacie has also been an Operation Barnabas leader for three summers.

Sarah Knepper

Sarah was born and raised in York, Pa., and graduated from Grace with degrees in math and counseling. Like Stacie, Sarah loves being involved with youth, working with the youth group at Community Grace Brethren in Warsaw and she has been a four-time Operation Barnabas leader.

Both of these women have been involved in CE National programs (Operation Barnabas, Momentum, TNI classes) for years and have been burdened with the need for follow-up and discipleship. They desire that the students who are impacted by these programs continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus and in their involvement in ministry.

Sarah says, “It’s amazing when you stop and think about the decisions that have been made for Jesus as a result of CE National programs. Praise the Lord for that! On the other hand, it’s heartbreaking when you see students who have forgotten the place Jesus once had in their lives. We want to be good stewards of what God is doing through these programs and see these decisions for Christ cultivated into deep relationships with him through discipleship. It is so exciting to pour into someone’s life, to walk with them in ministry, and to see them mature in Jesus. And that is what Jesus intended--Titus 2 tells the older to train the younger!”
“Jesus wants us to make disciples which is what we get excited about,” Stacie says. “We want churches to be excited, too; what a privilege!”

Look for Stacie and Sarah, CE National Ambassadors, coming to your church soon!